Author Archives: Administrator
Award Review / DUG HABITAT / Anna Otlik
Group Presentation Anna Otlik
Award Review / DUG HABITAT / Anna Otlik
Group Presentation Anna Otlik
Award Review / THE FOREST / Isabel Rosenbaum
Award Review / THE FOREST / Isabel Rosenbaum
Award Review / THE FEW2 PROJECT / Mariela Tsopanova
Group Work Mariela Tsopanova
Award Review / THE FEW2 PROJECT / Mariela Tsopanova
Group Work Mariela Tsopanova
Award Review / PERMA PROJECT / Oliver Carmi
Award Review / PERMA PROJECT / Oliver Carmi
Award Review / LET’S RICE / Tim Battelino
Group Work Individual Work
Award Review / LET’S RICE / Tim Battelino
Group Work Individual Work
F13: Green Square
Our project is constantly focusing on how to integrate the residence area into the surrounding area of the site during the whole process of the design, aiming to provide the citizen with a green and ecological district. We commenced to
F13: Green Square
Our project is constantly focusing on how to integrate the residence area into the surrounding area of the site during the whole process of the design, aiming to provide the citizen with a green and ecological district. We commenced to
F13: Farming Lambrate
Our project is an attempt of understanding the way in which urban agriculture can provide a response to a part of the questions that Milan faces regarding the food provision of its inhabitants and their possibility of achieving self-sufficiency, while
F13: Farming Lambrate
Our project is an attempt of understanding the way in which urban agriculture can provide a response to a part of the questions that Milan faces regarding the food provision of its inhabitants and their possibility of achieving self-sufficiency, while
F13: Cascina of the Future
The Cascina of the Future is a long and slightly complicated project, which requires an understanding of the process that was taken from day one. Upon being given the site of Tencara, we visited the area and were presented with
F13: Cascina of the Future
The Cascina of the Future is a long and slightly complicated project, which requires an understanding of the process that was taken from day one. Upon being given the site of Tencara, we visited the area and were presented with
F13: ∞
This is our work from this semester on the project of FEWs in the chosen site, Tencara. We started from an analysis of the surroundings by mapping the invisible forces and we concluded that the most appropriate technology to use
F13: Award Review / Photos
Pictures from the final examination and award review. I’m sorry that I couldn’t take photos of some groups but I’m sure there are other students who took photos so please ask for them from the other students if you really
F13: Award Review / Photos
Pictures from the final examination and award review. I’m sorry that I couldn’t take photos of some groups but I’m sure there are other students who took photos so please ask for them from the other students if you really
F13: Bio_Ma(i)ze
Bio_Ma(i)ze project is a project which regards a factory related to the production of the bio-mass and of the bio-ethanol which is so linked with the territory surrounding that the plantation and the ground are the most important part of
F13: Bio_Ma(i)ze
Bio_Ma(i)ze project is a project which regards a factory related to the production of the bio-mass and of the bio-ethanol which is so linked with the territory surrounding that the plantation and the ground are the most important part of
F13: B.U.D
Our project for the Zero+ studio: The project starts off with an analysis of the city of Milan according to a 100X100 grid, trying to find out the different components of FEWs consumption in a modern urban fabric. From there,
F13: B.U.D
Our project for the Zero+ studio: The project starts off with an analysis of the city of Milan according to a 100X100 grid, trying to find out the different components of FEWs consumption in a modern urban fabric. From there,
World’s Largest Dead Zone Suffocating Sea
An explosion of microscopic algae called phytoplankton has inundated the Baltic’s sensitive waters, sucking up oxygen and choking aquatic life. Though a natural phenomenon at a smaller scale, these blooms have recently mushroomed at an alarming rate, fed by nutrients
World’s Largest Dead Zone Suffocating Sea
An explosion of microscopic algae called phytoplankton has inundated the Baltic’s sensitive waters, sucking up oxygen and choking aquatic life. Though a natural phenomenon at a smaller scale, these blooms have recently mushroomed at an alarming rate, fed by nutrients
From Figure to Field
Typology in architecture is a classification mostly based on physical characteristics commonly found in buildings and urban areas: density, formal geometry, solid-to-void ratio are parameters based on tangible features, traditionally represented by a black-and-white ground-floor plan of the city.
From Figure to Field
Typology in architecture is a classification mostly based on physical characteristics commonly found in buildings and urban areas: density, formal geometry, solid-to-void ratio are parameters based on tangible features, traditionally represented by a black-and-white ground-floor plan of the city.
Our Legacy
If our society will leave any trace of post-industrial civilization a thousand years from now, it will not be any individual building or monument, or even a factory. Only the ruins of a few infrastructure projects will perhaps survive, thanks
Our Legacy
If our society will leave any trace of post-industrial civilization a thousand years from now, it will not be any individual building or monument, or even a factory. Only the ruins of a few infrastructure projects will perhaps survive, thanks
The Divided City
I argue that the origin of today’s environmental crisis resides in the basic premise of the western city, as clearly illustrated by Lorenzetti’s painting “Effetti del Buon Governo”: a fundamental separation between places of consumption – located within the city
The Divided City
I argue that the origin of today’s environmental crisis resides in the basic premise of the western city, as clearly illustrated by Lorenzetti’s painting “Effetti del Buon Governo”: a fundamental separation between places of consumption – located within the city
From centralized to distributed
Historically, energy production has been based on a centralized model, here large power plants produce hundreds of megawatts in a single location. New energy technologies – such as photovoltaic, solar thermal, geo-thermal and wind micro-turbines – bring the promise of
From centralized to distributed
Historically, energy production has been based on a centralized model, here large power plants produce hundreds of megawatts in a single location. New energy technologies – such as photovoltaic, solar thermal, geo-thermal and wind micro-turbines – bring the promise of
Beyond the urban/rural divide
Bio-intensive farming, garden sharing, grow bags, garden roofs, green facades, hothouses, hydroponics: the powerful revival of farming in urban areas takes many forms and is challenging, once again, the traditional distinction between the urban and the rural domain. The program
Beyond the urban/rural divide
Bio-intensive farming, garden sharing, grow bags, garden roofs, green facades, hothouses, hydroponics: the powerful revival of farming in urban areas takes many forms and is challenging, once again, the traditional distinction between the urban and the rural domain. The program
What are the FEWs?
Practices related to Food, Energy and Waste form an ecosystem of interconnected components and hybrid systems, as they do not strictly belong to a single category: for instance, many plant species, such as corn, sorghum, or sugarcane, can be used
What are the FEWs?
Practices related to Food, Energy and Waste form an ecosystem of interconnected components and hybrid systems, as they do not strictly belong to a single category: for instance, many plant species, such as corn, sorghum, or sugarcane, can be used
U.N. Climate Panel Endorses Ceiling on Global Emissions
Top climate scientists on Friday embraced an upper limit on greenhouse gases while warning that it is likely to be exceeded within decades if efforts to curb emissions are not rapidly accelerated. Read the article…
U.N. Climate Panel Endorses Ceiling on Global Emissions
Top climate scientists on Friday embraced an upper limit on greenhouse gases while warning that it is likely to be exceeded within decades if efforts to curb emissions are not rapidly accelerated. Read the article…
Pin-up > Building Systems
Uhm, I dont get this studio… a lot of work and I don’t seem to be getting anywhere… not sure architecture is really for me. I feel like I was not ready to take this studio; I did not learn
Pin-up > Building Systems
Uhm, I dont get this studio… a lot of work and I don’t seem to be getting anywhere… not sure architecture is really for me. I feel like I was not ready to take this studio; I did not learn
Final Review – I made it!
Great, great semester! Take a look at the stuff i presented on Saturday… I loved the comments, particularly by this guy from Berlin. These people really took the time to look at the work; tough critics, but a lot to
Final Review – I made it!
Great, great semester! Take a look at the stuff i presented on Saturday… I loved the comments, particularly by this guy from Berlin. These people really took the time to look at the work; tough critics, but a lot to
Pin-up > Map + Design Strategy
I just uploaded the stuff I presented at the pin-up last week. First time I do maps like these, not sure it looks like anything right now… I think I have a good sense of where i am going with
Pin-up > Map + Design Strategy
I just uploaded the stuff I presented at the pin-up last week. First time I do maps like these, not sure it looks like anything right now… I think I have a good sense of where i am going with
Mid-term Review
Here is my work from mid-term review. Please feel free to comment; I think it lacks some resolution at the architectural scale, but I am working on it. The site strategy is pretty awesome though… don’t you think???
Mid-term Review
Here is my work from mid-term review. Please feel free to comment; I think it lacks some resolution at the architectural scale, but I am working on it. The site strategy is pretty awesome though… don’t you think???